Glasses and Contacts

Eye Care Specialists Serving Bend, OR and Surrounding Areas


Contact Lenses

After careful consideration and in response to evolving patient needs, we have decided to focus on our medical and surgical eye care services.  As such,  we will be discontinuing our contact lens services.  These changes will be effective March 1st, 2024.   

Contact Lenses

Four Mistakes Made by People Who Wear Contacts

If you've worn contact lenses for years, you might think that you know everything there is to know about them. However, many contact wearers make some major mistakes. Here we list four mistakes people make when wearing contacts that you'll want to change to protect your eyes. 

Compliance: Solutions Only Work If You Follow Directions

Oops, you forgot to take those fish oil supplements. That's why my eyes feel dry. You've been wearing your two-week contact lenses for over a month. Hey, no wonder my eyes are irritated. You tried to save on prescription glasses so you bought cheaters over the counter or borrowed your spouse's. Yeah, maybe that explains why I have a persistent headache.

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